How to Improve Connectivity in Cornwall

We always enjoy engaging with new people at exhibitions, as it’s good to listen to key business challenges and see how Grapevine can help to overcome them.  At The Cornwall Business Show, one of the key issues we kept hearing was the lack of high speed broadband connectivity – especially in some of the more remote parts of Cornwall. 

Using our online diagnostic tools, we were able to demonstrate the different levels of connectivity available to specific business addresses and make recommendations on how to improve internet speeds.  In some instances business owners were not aware that they had fibre available, or that they would achieve greater reliability with a cellular broadband connection.

Great connectivity is crucial for business to thrive, and with Grapevine’s tried and tested portfolio of fixed line, cellular, and site-to-site links we’re proud to be able to help Cornish businesses stay ahead of the game.

If you stopped by our stand for a chat, we hope we inspired you!