Protecting staff and business in adverse weather conditions

Like many businesses across the South West, we woke up this morning to a winter wonderland.  Some of us at Grapevine could make it into work, and we had a pretty commute to the office. Other colleagues couldn’t venture out due to being snowed in, or having emergency childcare issues due to schools being closed.  But this didn’t stop the Grapevine team from being fully operational as, thanks to our 3CX phone system and cloud-based IT systems, we can work pretty much anywhere, so long as we have internet connectivity (and a cup of coffee!).

With the 3CX mobile app, we can use our mobiles as an extension off our main telephone system – we make, receive and transfer calls just as if we were in the office.  All our IT systems are based in the cloud, so with a secure dedicated VPN we can access all our systems and information needed to do our day to day work.  No disruption to service, no risk to our employees on making hazardous journeys just to get to the office, and more importantly we are able to help our customers wherever we may be.

So whilst the kids are out making a snowman, we’re working just as normal.  Snow day? Snow way!